Category Archives: Notes

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What is Philosophy? (Lesson Plan)

Preparing some fake red and blue ‘pills’

Asking the question:

  1. Would you want to know when you die?

Choosing the pills and showing, explaining why.


2. What is the Object of Philosophy?


Explaining Plato’s Cave Allegory:

  • Philosophy destroys and destructs our dreams, fantasies and false beliefs. It does not cover the darkness. It does not allow for distraction. 
  • Yet, by destroying what is false, it creates meaning out of nothing. Then philosophy becomes the challenge to think one world behind all our shadows and to build a cloud-castle for our true dreams.

Giving some pink candy and a harmless blue pill.

I think part of the outcome must be that the truth is not immediately presented as the right choice as many philosophy teachers and professors presume. It will reduce the students wills to discuss with each other (in general I recommend not to let them know your own opinion).

Comprehensive Input: Stephen Krashen, Steve Kaufmann, LingQ

This is a commission-link to LingQ

I actually do not know what I receive, but ‘hey’ you can support me or not.

The Theory

In this older original Video, Stephen Krashen lays out how to learn a language:

Steph Kaufmann has adopted these ideas and realized them in a software. Here, you find the best explanation of how to use LingQ

In this interview both talk about a central ingredient of the method which is: comprehensible input

  • Grammar is interesting but should not be overdone
  • The universal feature of all learning is a focus on comprehensible input

The Power of Reading: Krashen in further talks

The Simulacrum

Simulation: A painter draws a horse that is so real that it cannot be distinguished from a hourse


  • During the media “explosion of events”, any event has a “contra-positive”
  • Every event is staged (eg. war is reduced to TikTok, Instagram, or news)
  • The line between marketing, news and truth is impossible to discern (eg. Sylvester Stallone is in the hall of fame of boxing)
  • Reality becomes the hyper-real
  • The signs of disaster are pictures to be consumed
  • The media create copies: non-events that are easily digested
  • We become complicit in disinformation campaigns, we enjoy deception
  • We dictate the screen, are the editor, and subscriber
  • If we search long enough we will believe in any event as truth


  • Did you lose contact with reality?
  • Isn’t writing already a virtual reality?
  • Everything conceals nothing

Introduction from “Then and Now

  • What is the Real?
  • Abstracts for exchange
  • “The Shift”
  • The recycling of lost ideas (Jogging instead of walking)

Almost Weekly (05/22) – Update – News on Artificial Intelligence, Star-Trek-Talks, A series on Pike: Strange New Worlds, Badiou

AI – Video (from Digital Engine):

  • Can generate realistic Images of humans
  • GoogleAI can understand and explain jokes now (better than GPT-3)
  • OpenAI can create images from text descriptions
  • Can change images according to your description
  • AI is better than human artists creating art in seconds
  • AI creating comics
  • AI can bring photos to life
  • can take photos and create maps from it

Video talks more about: machine advancements, automation, robotaxis, are we approaching “the age of abundance”

“the future is here, it is not equally distributed”

A Comparison between Star Trek Discovery and Star Trek – Next Generation

Pike (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds)

Bible-Man (basically Jesus was already a super hero fantasy)

Badiou – Being and Event, Documentary and Reading

Death of a Star

  • Celebrities are nowadays more accessible, thus more human
  • The status of being a star is levelled?
  • Social Media celebrates the normal people
    People who have no skills and accidentally became famous
    Everyone could do it
  • See Colin and Samir

“I am a Brain in a Vat”

Why does the sentence have to be false?

Putnam’s Argument

  • Can we say: “Brains in a Vat”?
  • The idea causes a contradiction: We can only be brains in the vat within in the current simulation
  • Thus, the sentence does not represent reality but represents whatever is in the simulation
  • It follows that we are not brains in a vat


Does from that follow that we are not exposed to another form of exposure?

Imaginary Objects (Meinong)


  1. Absistence – Anything you can think about (“Meinong’s Jungle”)
  2. Subsistence – things like numbers – just that in the physical world
  3. Existence – empirical world things

Universes of Discourse

  • “you’re holding your mind an incredible number of propositions that are specific to different universes and figuring out exactly what would be true if those universes were combined”