Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Researching for my Dog-Training

Teach the Small Things:

  • Correct Reward (1 Second Time)
  • Name Response
  • Sleeping in the Kennel
  • Walking with a leash
  • Small following
  • Reward Training
  • Play Training (best puppy toys)
  • Clicker-Training

Perfect Recall

  • Have a Pop in the Recall (‘Hegel’ Come)
  • Cue in place to come

Clicker Training

  • Why Clickers? They always sound the same

Dog Closing Distance

  • When dog comes, he has to do something else, negative reinforcement

Potty Training

  1. Consistency
  2. Patience
  3. Positive Reinforcement

Take her out every hour.

Dog Training Example


Puppy Biting

Correcting Biting: Active Correction

  1. (Holding on the colar, waiting to calm down)
  2. Redirecting on toy
  3. Reinforce by praising

Solving Barking

Things to teach the dog

Teaching Heel

Separation Anxiety

Falsche Sätze, Metaphern Sprichwörter

  • Das liegt auf der Natur der Hand (Thomas Druzen)
  • Das hat die Substanz von einer leeren Tasse Wein (Thomas Druzen)
  • Da schlägst du wieder die Füsse über dem Kopf zusammen (Leon Winterscheid)

Fundstellen im Internet
Das platzt mir die Hutschnur

Eigene Kreationen

Da kriege ich falsche Füsse
Mit dem kalten Fuss aufgestanden
Da kriege ich so’n Nacken
Mit dem Milchmädchen abrechnen
Zeigen wo der Hammer die Harke hat
Die Nadel ins Nadelöhr treffen
Den Hammer auf dem Kopf treffen
Nicht gleich ne Krone aus dem Zahn brechen

Das setzt dem Sahnehäubchen die Krönung auf
Ich muss wieder die Kartoffeln aus dem Ofen holen
Tiefgefühltes Gemüse

Why buying my DELL Laptop was a mistake

(Dell XPS 15 7590) I decided to buy a better product as I was a bit annoyed by low quality laptop. I wanted to buy a brand product and so I decided to buy Dell. There are many aspects that disappointed me. The Oled display had soon things burned in its display. Had I known I would not have invested the extra money. It was slower than expected.

However, here is what annoyed me the most. How can one of the flagship laptops have such a cheap keyboard integrated. The first time, numbers did not react anymore, which made it particular difficult to pass the new Microsoft password. Now, some keys just don’t react and I have to press them really hard, which makes fluent writing difficult. I wanted to clean some keys, but just destroyed one of the keys in its process because they are hard to remove. Warranty is thereby out of the window. But again, why such a cheap keyboard?

I won’t buy Dell in the future anymore the brand is ruined for me.

Christopher Nolan

The Missing Key to Understanding Christopher Nolan (Source:

What is the ideology of Nolan’s movies?

  • Non-chronological movies
  • Characters are engaged in deception
  • Characters cannot obtain knowledge of objective reality
  • “Reality is constructed in our mind” It is subjective
  • Our memory is a collection of notes and ideas
  • Embrace the existential meaning of our subjectivity
  • “We have to live as if some things are true” a Kierkegaardian “leap of faith”
  • Acknowledgment of beliefs allows to look inwards

How Nolan writes (Source:

  • A Story that is a labyrinth
  • Cross-Cutting: Shepard Effect utilized from music, a corkscrew effect, a continuing rise (Inter-cutting Scenes)
  • Scene-Geography
  • Doesn’t use zoom-lenses, changes performances
  • Real locations (the texture of real life)

Speed Cleaning

General Rule: 10-Minutes-Cleaning every day should be enough to have a clean house

Motivational Cleaning Video

Speed Cleaning Tipps

  • “Time is a non-renewable resource”
  • Clean in an S-Shape
  • Use a flashlight to check for crumbs
  • Don’t clean surfaces twice

  • Get a clean-up-basket with items
  • Spray things, let it soak, do other things, then clean
  • First tidy up, then clean
  • Clean from top to bottom
  • Set a 15 Minute Timer

  • Set a timer
  • Spray first, wipe from top to buttom

For Professional Amateurs:


  • Get a cleaning apron
  • Get bigger sponges and bigger mops

How to Mop

How to put on Clean Gloves (Looking for a hack)

  • I need answers for that one