- “An Event is a Cut”, unpredictable, the Source of Truths (a Break, no Continuation)
- “The true nature of the cave is the true nature of the world”
- ‘The true nature of the world is the idea’
- [Only from the outside we understand that we have been inside] [?]
- “The Exit is unpredictable”
- Politics is “The Return to the Cave”
- “Wagner is about great destruction” – a Revolutionary
- ‘The Nazis imposed Silence on all facts’
- “The Duty of a Philosopher is to address Everybody that is everybody in the world”
- [He frees the voice from the silence]
- “My father was practically absent, some sort of abstraction”

- Love – new experience of difference
- two individuals are completely different
- a creation of two from one, a difference brought under a common vision

- “Being is multiple”
- Getting closer: things reveal themselves to be multiplicities
- “a baby that cries” discovers multiplicity
- A constant experience of difference
- every moment is multiplying itself into difference
- it never stops

Notes by me:
- War rooted in the individual is organized, the individual transcending, abstracting aggression (the question remains at which point the individual is transcended into the historical event)
- The individual is transcended into the nation
Ein Anderes Interview in Deutsch
- Ereignis – schafft neue Möglichkeit, aber keine neue Realität, eine neue Wahrheit
- Verändert Verhältnis zwischen Möglichem und Unmöglichen
- Ereignis happens if the chance is taken
- This does not include horrible events