Stanislaw Lem’s ‘Solaris’ – The Planet of Calculation and the Psychological End of Science (Book Review)
The Talk in Video-Form can be found within the next days on my Youtube channel Philosophy and All the Rest
Sci-Fi: ‘Foundation’ – A Discussion on Spoilers and Dataism
If you want to see the Youtube-Episode, you can find it on my Youtube-Channel:
(The episodes will be first posted on the Podcast. It will take a couple
Content Description
Today, I talk with Ben Wise about the new Sci-Fi-Show ‘Foundation’. We explore the story and its to Philosophy and Dataism.
Dataism and ‘The End of Theory’
If you want to see the Youtube-Episode, you can find it here:
Content Description
Today, I talk with Ben Wise about Dataism. We explore the possibilities and limits of BigDataMining.
James Baldwin’s “Another Country” – Can You Live an Unexamined Life?
“I still believe that the unexamined life is not worth living: and I know that self-delusion, in the service of no matter what small or lofty cause, is a price no writer can afford” (James Baldwin).
Content Description
Today, I talk with Ken Ivery about the writer James Baldwin. We discuss his book “Another Country” and how it relates to life.
- Is there a necessity to examine ourselves?
- Can we live just by ourselves-an unexamined life?
- Why does an average white, well-secured American has to examine his or her life?
Note: This is the first time of such an interview format. I feel particularly embarrassed for the grammar mistakes, particularly at the beginning, but much more for conflating the names of James Baldwin and Alec Baldwin. Please forgive me this mistake. Also I feel that my light-hearted attitude is a bit inappropriate for the content. In the future, I will bring this to a more professional level. Thanks to Ken Ivery, however, for his professionalism and vast knowledge that made this quality content afterall.
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James Baldwin and the American Identity – When did James Baldwin Work?
Subscribe to this Podcast if you are interested in:
- Philosophy and all the rest
- analyzing future technology trends
- reflections on history and singularity
- if you want to live long and prosper
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